1.2. Composing multi-panel figures

As I already explained in the previous tutorial, creating figures programmatically has many advantages. However, obtaining a complex layout only by scripting can be very time consuming and even distressing. Therefore, the possible gains can be crippled by the time spent tweaking the programs to obtain optimal results and under time pressure many of us resort to visual editors. One way to alleviate the problem is to use a library with little boilerplate code and which simplifies the common tasks (such as inserting a new panel and adjusting its position). That’s why I introduced the compose module, which is a wrapper around the low-level API described in Creating plublication-quality figures.

Let’s take the example from the previous tutorial


To obtain this nicely-formatted final figure we needed a considerable amount of code. The same effect could be achieved in compose with fewer lines of code:

#!/usr/bin/env python

from svgutils.compose import *

Figure("16cm", "6.5cm", 
              Text("A", 25, 20, size=12, weight='bold')
              Text("B", 25, 20, size=12, weight='bold')
             ).move(280, 0)

The compose module offers the same functionality as the transform, but rather than being based on procedural description of the figure it attempts declarative approach. The code defining the figure mimics a hierarchical structure typical of most figures: A figure contains multiple panels; these panels can in turn contain several graphical elements such as text, markers or other (sub-)panels.

1.2.1. Defining a figure

Before we start we need to import the definitions from svgutils.compose module:

from svgutils.compose import *

In compose the top-most element is the Figure() object. To create a figure we need to specify its size (width and height) and its contents. For example, to create a figure consisting of a single imported SVG file we might write:

Figure("16cm", "6.5cm",

This will create a 16-by-6.5 cm figure with showing the sigmoid_fit.svg file. Note that the dimensions can be defined together with units supported by SVG (so far “px” and “cm” are implemented). If no units are defined it defaults to “px”. SVG() is another object from compose module, which simply parses and pastes the content of a SVG file into the figure.

The Figure() object also defines several methods; the save() method saves the figure in a SVG file:

Figure("16cm", "6.5cm",

1.2.2. Adding annotations

The simple example of previous section is superfluous, because it does not modify the sigmoid_fit.svg file apart from changing its size. Let us try then overlaying some text on top of the figure. In compose we can add text using Text() object:

Figure("16cm", "6.5cm",
        Text("A", 25, 20),

In addition to the text itself we defined the $x$ and $y$ coordinates of the text element in pixel units. We can also add additional style arguments – to increase the font size and change to bold letters we can use:

Figure("16cm", "6.5cm",
        Text("A", 25, 20, size=12, weight='bold'),

1.2.3. Arranging multiple elements

We can combine multiple SVG drawings by simply listing them inside the Figure() object:

Figure("16cm", "6.5cm",

The problem with this figure is that the drawings will overlap and become quite unreadable. To avoid it we have to move figure elements. To do that automatically you can use tile() method of Figure(), which arranges the elements on a regular two-dimensional grid. For example, to arrange the two SVG elements in a single row we might use:

 Figure("16cm", "6.5cm",
        ).tile(2, 1)

The second figure (anscombe.svg) does not fit entirely in the figure so we have to scale it down. For this aim each element of the Figure exposes a scale() method, which takes the scaling factor as its sole argument:

Figure("16cm", "6.5cm",
       ).tile(2, 1)

For more control over the final figure layout we can position the individual elements using their move() method:

 Figure("16cm", "6.5cm",
        SVG("anscombe.svg").move(280, 0)

This will move the ansombe.svg 280 px horizontally. Methods can be also chained:

Figure("16cm", "6.5cm",
                          .move(280, 0)

It’s often difficult to arrange the figures correctly and it can involve mundane going back and fro between the code and generated SVG file. To ease the process compose offers several helper objects: The Grid() object generates a grid of horizontal and vertical lines labelled with their position in pixel units. To add it simply list Grid() as one of Figure() elements:

 Figure("16cm", "6.5cm",
                           .move(280, 0),
        Grid(20, 20)

The two parameters of Grid() define the spacing between the vertical and horizontal lines, respectively. You can use the lines and numerical labels to quickly estimate the required vertical and horizontal shifts of the figure elements.

1.2.4. Grouping elements into panels

Figures prepared for publications often consist of sub-panels, which can contain multiple elements such as graphs, legends and annotations (text, arrows etc.). Although it is possible to list all these elements separately in the Figure() object, it’s more convenient to work with all elements belonging to a single panel as an entire group. In compose one can group the elements into panels using Panel() object:

Figure("16cm", "6.5cm",
          Text("A", 25, 20),
          Text("B", 25, 20).move(280, 0),
                             .move(280, 0)

Panel() just like a Figure() object takes a list of elements such as text objects or SVG drawings. However, in contrast to Figure() it does not allow to define the size and does not offer save() method. The two Panel() objects of this example contain each a text element and a SVG file.

In this example the Panel() object serve no other role than grouping elements that refer to a single panel – it may enhance the readability of the code generating the figure, but it does not simplify the task of creating the figure. In the second Panel() we apply twice the method move() to position both the text element and the SVG. The advantage of Panel() is that we can apply such transforms to the entire panel:

Figure("16cm", "6.5cm",
          Text("A", 25, 20),
          Text("B", 25, 20),
          ).move(280, 0)

This way we simplified the code, but also the change allows for easier arrangement of the panels. An additional advantage is that the tile() method will automatically arrange the entire panels not the individual elements.