Source code for svgutils.transform

from lxml import etree
from copy import deepcopy
import codecs

    from StringIO import StringIO
except ImportError:
    from io import StringIO

         'xlink': XLINK_NAMESPACE}

[docs]class FigureElement(object): """Base class representing single figure element""" def __init__(self, xml_element, defs=None): self.root = xml_element
[docs] def moveto(self, x, y, scale=1): """Move and scale element. Parameters ---------- x, y : float displacement in x and y coordinates in user units ('px'). scale : float scaling factor. To scale down scale < 1, scale up scale > 1. For no scaling scale = 1. """ self.root.set("transform", "translate(%s, %s) scale(%s) %s" % (x, y, scale, self.root.get("transform") or ''))
[docs] def rotate(self, angle, x=0, y=0): """Rotate element by given angle around given pivot. Parameters ---------- angle : float rotation angle in degrees x, y : float pivot coordinates in user coordinate system (defaults to top-left corner of the figure) """ self.root.set("transform", "%s rotate(%f %f %f)" % (self.root.get("transform") or '', angle, x, y))
def __getitem__(self, i): return FigureElement(self.root.getchildren()[i])
[docs] def copy(self): """Make a copy of the element""" return deepcopy(self.root)
[docs] def tostr(self): """String representation of the element""" return etree.tostring(self.root, pretty_print=True)
[docs] def find_id(self, element_id): """Find element by its id. Parameters ---------- element_id : str ID of the element to find Returns ------- FigureElement one of the children element with the given ID.""" find = etree.XPath("//*[@id=$id]") return FigureElement(find(self.root, id=element_id)[0])
[docs]class TextElement(FigureElement): """Text element. Corresponds to SVG ``<text>`` tag.""" def __init__(self, x, y, text, size=8, font="Verdana", weight="normal", letterspacing=0): txt = etree.Element(SVG+"text", {"x": str(x), "y": str(y), "font-size": str(size), "font-family": font, "font-weight": weight, "letter-spacing": str(letterspacing)}) txt.text = text FigureElement.__init__(self, txt)
[docs]class ImageElement(FigureElement): """Inline image element. Correspoonds to SVG ``<image>`` tag. Image data encoded as base64 string. """ def __init__(self, stream, width, height, format='png'): base64str = codecs.encode(, 'base64').rstrip() uri = "data:image/{};base64,{}".format(format, base64str.decode('ascii')) attrs = { 'width': str(width), 'height': str(height), XLINK+'href': uri } img = etree.Element(SVG+"image", attrs) FigureElement.__init__(self, img)
[docs]class LineElement(FigureElement): """Line element. Corresponds to SVG ``<path>`` tag. It handles only piecewise straight segments """ def __init__(self, points, width=1, color='black'): linedata = "M{} {} ".format(*points[0]) linedata += " ".join(map(lambda x: "L{} {}".format(*x), points[1:])) line = etree.Element(SVG+"path", {"d": linedata, "stroke-width": str(width), "stroke": color}) FigureElement.__init__(self, line)
[docs]class GroupElement(FigureElement): """Group element. Container for other elements. Corresponds to SVG ``<g>`` tag. """ def __init__(self, element_list, attrib=None): new_group = etree.Element(SVG+"g", attrib=attrib) for e in element_list: if isinstance(e, FigureElement): new_group.append(e.root) else: new_group.append(e) self.root = new_group
[docs]class SVGFigure(object): """SVG Figure. It setups standalone SVG tree. It corresponds to SVG ``<svg>`` tag. """ def __init__(self, width=None, height=None): self.root = etree.Element(SVG+"svg", nsmap=NSMAP) self.root.set("version", "1.1") if width: self.width = width if height: self.height = height @property def width(self): """Figure width""" return self.root.get("width") @width.setter def width(self, value): self.root.set('width', str(value)) self.root.set("viewbox", "0 0 %s %s" % (self.width, self.height)) @property def height(self): """Figure height""" return self.root.get("height") @height.setter def height(self, value): self.root.set('height', str(value)) self.root.set("viewbox", "0 0 %s %s" % (self.width, self.height))
[docs] def append(self, element): """Append new element to the SVG figure""" try: self.root.append(element.root) except AttributeError: self.root.append(GroupElement(element).root)
[docs] def getroot(self): """Return the root element of the figure. The root element is a group of elements after stripping the toplevel ``<svg>`` tag. Returns ------- GroupElement All elements of the figure without the ``<svg>`` tag. """ if 'class' in self.root.attrib: attrib = {'class': self.root.attrib['class']} else: attrib = None return GroupElement(self.root.getchildren(), attrib=attrib)
[docs] def to_str(self): """ Returns a string of the SVG figure. """ return etree.tostring(self.root, xml_declaration=True, standalone=True, pretty_print=True)
[docs] def save(self, fname): """Save figure to a file""" out = etree.tostring(self.root, xml_declaration=True, standalone=True, pretty_print=True) fid = open(fname, 'wb') fid.write(out) fid.close()
[docs] def find_id(self, element_id): """Find elements with the given ID""" find = etree.XPath("//*[@id=$id]") return FigureElement(find(self.root, id=element_id)[0])
[docs] def get_size(self): """Get figure size""" return self.root.get('width'), self.root.get('height')
[docs] def set_size(self, size): """Set figure size""" w, h = size self.root.set('width', w) self.root.set('height', h)
[docs]def fromfile(fname): """Open SVG figure from file. Parameters ---------- fname : str name of the SVG file Returns ------- SVGFigure newly created :py:class:`SVGFigure` initialised with the file content """ fig = SVGFigure() fid = open(fname) svg_file = etree.parse(fid) fid.close() fig.root = svg_file.getroot() return fig
[docs]def fromstring(text): """Create a SVG figure from a string. Parameters ---------- text : str string representing the SVG content. Must be valid SVG. Returns ------- SVGFigure newly created :py:class:`SVGFigure` initialised with the string content. """ fig = SVGFigure() svg = etree.fromstring(text) fig.root = svg return fig
[docs]def from_mpl(fig): """Create a SVG figure from a ``matplotlib`` figure. Parameters ---------- fig : matplotlib.Figure instance Returns ------- SVGFigure newly created :py:class:`SVGFigure` initialised with the string content. """ fid = StringIO() try: fig.savefig(fid, format='svg') except ValueError: raise(ValueError, "No matplotlib SVG backend") fig = fromstring( # workaround mpl units bug w, h = fig.get_size() fig.set_size((w.replace('pt', ''), h.replace('pt', ''))) return fig