Source code for svgutils.compose

#!/usr/bin/env python
# coding=utf-8
"""SVG definitions designed for easy SVG composing

    * allow for wildcard import
    * defines a mini language for SVG composing
    * short but readable names
    * easy nesting
    * method chaining
    * no boilerplate code (reading files, extracting objects from svg,
                           transversing XML tree)
    * universal methods applicable to all element types
    * dont have to learn python

import os
import re

from svgutils import transform as _transform
CONFIG = {'svg.file_path': '.',
          'figure.save_path' : '.',
          'image.file_path': '.',
          'text.position': (0, 0),
          'text.size': 8,
          'text.weight': 'normal',
          'text.font': 'Verdana'}

[docs]class Element(_transform.FigureElement): """Base class for new SVG elements."""
[docs] def scale(self, factor): """Scale SVG element. Parameters ---------- factor : float The scaling factor. Factor > 1 scales up, factor < 1 scales down. """ self.moveto(0, 0, factor) return self
[docs] def move(self, x, y): """Move the element by x, y. Parameters ---------- x,y : int, str amount of horizontal and vertical shift Notes ----- The x, y can be given with a unit (for example, "3px", "5cm"). If no unit is given the user unit is assumed ("px"). In SVG all units are defined in relation to the user unit [1]_. .. [1] W3C SVG specification: """ self.moveto(x, y, 1) return self
[docs] def find_id(self, element_id): """Find a single element with the given ID. Parameters ---------- element_id : str ID of the element to find Returns ------- found element """ element = _transform.FigureElement.find_id(self, element_id) return Element(element.root)
[docs] def find_ids(self, element_ids): """Find elements with given IDs. Parameters ---------- element_ids : list of strings list of IDs to find Returns ------- a new `Panel` object which contains all the found elements. """ elements = [_transform.FigureElement.find_id(self, eid) for eid in element_ids] return Panel(*elements)
[docs]class SVG(Element): """SVG from file. Parameters ---------- fname : str full path to the file """ def __init__(self, fname): fname = os.path.join(CONFIG['svg.file_path'], fname) svg = _transform.fromfile(fname) self.root = svg.getroot().root
[docs]class Image(Element): """Raster or vector image Parameters ---------- width : float height : float image dimensions fname : str full path to the file """ def __init__(self, width, height, fname): fname = os.path.join(CONFIG['image.file_path'], fname) _, fmt = os.path.splitext(fname) fmt = fmt.lower()[1:] with open(fname, 'rb') as fid: img = _transform.ImageElement(fid, width, height, fmt) self.root = img.root
[docs]class Text(Element): """Text element. Parameters ---------- text : str content x, y : float or str Text position. If unit is not given it will assume user units (px). size : float, optional Font size. weight : str, optional Font weight. It can be one of: normal, bold, bolder or lighter. font : str, optional Font family. """ def __init__(self, text, x=None, y=None, **kwargs): params = {'size': CONFIG['text.size'], 'weight': CONFIG['text.weight'], 'font': CONFIG['text.font']} if x is None or y is None: x, y = CONFIG['text.position'] params.update(kwargs) element = _transform.TextElement(x, y, text, **params) Element.__init__(self, element.root)
[docs]class Panel(Element): """Figure panel. Panel is a group of elements that can be transformed together. Usually it relates to a labeled figure panel. Parameters ---------- svgelements : objects derving from Element class one or more elements that compose the panel Notes ----- The grouped elements need to be properly arranged in scale and position. """ def __init__(self, *svgelements): element = _transform.GroupElement(svgelements) Element.__init__(self, element.root) def __iter__(self): elements = self.root.getchildren() return (Element(el) for el in elements)
[docs]class Line(Element): """Line element connecting given points. Parameters ---------- points : sequence of tuples List of point x,y coordinates. width : float, optional Line width. color : str, optional Line color. Any of the HTML/CSS color definitions are allowed. """ def __init__(self, points, width=1, color='black'): element = _transform.LineElement(points, width=width, color=color) Element.__init__(self, element.root)
[docs]class Grid(Element): """Line grid with coordinate labels to facilitate placement of new elements. Parameters ---------- dx : float Spacing between the vertical lines. dy : float Spacing between horizontal lines. size : float or str Font size of the labels. Notes ----- This element is mainly useful for manual placement of the elements. """ def __init__(self, dx, dy, size=8): self.size = size lines = self._gen_grid(dx, dy) element = _transform.GroupElement(lines) Element.__init__(self, element.root) def _gen_grid(self, dx, dy, width=0.5): xmax, ymax = 1000, 1000 x, y = 0, 0 lines = [] txt = [] while x < xmax: lines.append(_transform.LineElement([(x, 0), (x, ymax)], width=width)) txt.append(_transform.TextElement(x, dy/2, str(x), size=self.size)) x += dx while y < ymax: lines.append(_transform.LineElement([(0, y), (xmax, y)], width=width)) txt.append(_transform.TextElement(0, y, str(y), size=self.size)) y += dy return lines+txt
[docs]class Figure(Panel): """Main figure class. This should be always the top class of all the generated SVG figures. Parameters ---------- width, height : float or str Figure size. If unit is not given, user units (px) are assumed. """ def __init__(self, width, height, *svgelements): Panel.__init__(self, *svgelements) self.width = Unit(width) self.height = Unit(height)
[docs] def save(self, fname): """Save figure to SVG file. Parameters ---------- fname : str Full path to file. """ element = _transform.SVGFigure(self.width, self.height) element.append(self)['figure.save_path'], fname))
[docs] def tile(self, ncols, nrows): """Automatically tile the panels of the figure. This will re-arranged all elements of the figure (first in the hierarchy) so that they will uniformly cover the figure area. Parameters ---------- ncols, nrows : type The number of columns and rows to arange the elements into. Notes ----- ncols * nrows must be larger or equal to number of elements, otherwise some elements will go outside the figure borders. """ dx = (self.width/ncols).to('px').value dy = (self.height/nrows).to('px').value ix, iy = 0, 0 for el in self: el.move(dx*ix, dy*iy) ix += 1 if ix >= ncols: ix = 0 iy += 1 if iy > nrows: break return self
[docs]class Unit: """Implementaiton of SVG units and conversions between them. Parameters ---------- measure : str value with unit (for example, '2cm') """ per_inch = {'px': 90, 'cm': 2.54} def __init__(self, measure): try: self.value = float(measure) self.unit = 'px' except ValueError: m = re.match('([0-9]+\.?[0-9]*)([a-z]+)', measure) value, unit = m.groups() self.value = float(value) self.unit = unit
[docs] def to(self, unit): """Convert to a given unit. Parameters ---------- unit : str Name of the unit to convert to. Returns ------- u : Unit new Unit object with the requested unit and computed value. """ u = Unit("0cm") u.value = self.value/self.per_inch[self.unit]*self.per_inch[unit] u.unit = unit return u
def __str__(self): return "{}{}".format(self.value, self.unit) def __mul__(self, number): u = Unit("0cm") u.value = self.value * number u.unit = self.unit return u def __div__(self, number): return self * (1./number)